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REEDS Jewelers' Business Customers and Partners

Table of Contents:

Partnering with REEDS

REEDS Jewelers is always interested in exploring new and innovative product lines, distribution arrangements, services and marketing opportunities with leading business partners. If you are a potential business partner or quality jewelry vendor who wishes to speak with REEDS, please contact our main number and describe the type of service or product you provide, and you will be directed to the appropriate party within REEDS.

  • General Partnership Inquiries: (910) 350-3100

Community Affairs

Started by Bill and Roberta Zimmer who believed in giving back to the community that supported them, charitable contributions and volunteerism have become a cherished family tradition and part of the corporate culture throughout REEDS.

REEDS participates annually in the Jewelers' Charity Fund (JCF) for Children. Among the causes supported by JCF is the Make-a-Wish Foundation, the world's largest wish-granting charity, granting the wishes of children with life threatening illnesses to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. Additionally JCF supports the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, to conquer catastrophic diseases afflicting children. For further information on the Jewelers Charity Fund, go to

REEDS also contributes regularly to the following list of non-profit organizations and charities:

Breast Cancer Ribbon
American Heart Association
Easter Seals

In our home state of North Carolina, we also support:

  • Zimmer Cancer Center at New Hanover Regional Medical Center
  • Duke Cancer Center
  • Betty H. Cameron Women's and Children's Hospital
  • Thalian Hall Center for the Performing Arts
  • Historic Wilmington Foundation
  • Wilmington Children's Museum
  • Various school and religious charities

Industry Standards

REEDS Jewelers is a longstanding member of the leading jewelry and retail industry trade organizations, and works to promote ethical business practices and education to benefit the consumer across the industry. Industry organizations to which REEDS belongs include:

  • Jewelers of America —
    Trade organization for retail jewelers that also provides consumer information for jewelry buying.
  • Jewelers Vigilance Committee —
    Not-for-profit trade association whose mission is to maintain the jewelry industry's highest ethical standards. They provide resources for both the jewelry trade and consumers.
  • Diamond Council of America —
    The mission of the Diamond Council of America is to provide quality, affordable education to its members' associates, enhancing their ability to sell fine jewelry with expertise, integrity, and professionalism.
  • The Jewelry Information Center —
    A non-profit trade association funded by its members which serves as the public relations arm for the entire fine jewelry and watch industry. Provides consumer information on buying basics, charity fund, and retailer listings.
  • International Council of Shopping Centers —
    The ICSC is the global trade association of the shopping center industry with 44,000 members in the U.S., Canada and more than 70 other countries. Part of the mission of ISCS is to establish codes of fair business ethics and dealings with retailers and consumers and with government and public agencies.

Ethical Business Practices

REEDS Jewelers has long prided itself on being a highly ethical company and requires the highest standard of conduct from our employees and business partners.

As members of the retail marketing community, we adhere to the following Direct Marketing Association's (DMA) ethical business and marketing guidelines, including:

To read more about laws and guidelines governing ethical marketing and sales to protect consumers, read the DMA's section on Ethical governing retail and marketing at

Russian Sanctions

Reeds Jewelers, Inc. has been in business for over 75 years and prides itself on operating an ethical, trusted and responsible business. This includes adhering to all legal governances and requirements. In light of the unfortunate invasion against Ukraine and accordance with the Executive Orders set forth by the U.S. Government regarding regarding sanctions against Russia, Reeds has not been accepting any diamonds or other products of Russian origin since February 25, 2022. We have requested that all merchandise forwarded to Reeds Jewelers must adhere to the following statements: All products are not legally mined in or by Russia, do not contain precious stones or precious metals that were obtained from or processed by Russia, no parts or components of the merchandise was supplied, obtained from or or processed by Russia, and all goods have not been produced, manufactured, extracted or processed in the Russian Federation.