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75 Years of Celebrating Your Life's Moments

Econic Lab Grown REEDS Jewelers Round Diamond double Halo Engagement and Wedding ring bridal set 2ctwEconic Lab Grown REEDS Jewelers Round Diamond double Halo Engagement and Wedding ring bridal set 2ctw

Bill & Roberta Zimmer founded the first REEDS shop in 1946. From the beginning, REEDS was guided by a philosophy of love, appreciation, trust, and making everyone feel like family. It's made all the difference.

Now celebrating more than seven decades in business, we're the largest family-owned jeweler in the country. And we're genuinely honored to celebrate every moment and milestone with you.

REEDS Jewelers BridalREEDS Jewelers Bridal

Our Stunning Collections

REEDS Jewelers is known for its remarkable selection of fine jewelry, collectibles, luxury timepieces, watches, and customizable options; we offer an array of diamond, gemstone, pearl, gold, sterling silver, titanium, and platinum men's and women's jewelry as well as charms and gifts for every occasion.

World-Class Service

Every REEDS employee works hard to exceed our customers' expectations. REEDS provides a rigorous professional training program to all sales associates to instill detailed knowledge of gemological factors as well as standardized customer service practices, making each experience with REEDS rich in courtesy, professionalism, and expertise.


When you choose REEDS as your trusted jeweler, you join our family. Free shipping, easy returns, and live online help from our expert jewelers ensure that we are always here for you.

REEDS Jewelers Stop CollectionREEDS Jewelers Stop Collection

Ask Our Diamond Concierge

Work one-on-one with our diamond concierge to find the perfect ring or design a custom piece from scratch

Exclusive Financing

A great option to build credit and earn Rewards points on every dollar you spend to use on future purchases.

Perfect for those new to credit who want to pay for a big purchase over time.

Offers a simple, affordable payment plan. No credit check required.