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In It Together, Even When Apart


REEDS Jewelers was founded on the philosophy that our customers and employees should feel like family, and during times of crisis, a family takes care of one another. We want you to know that we’re always here for you and are taking measures to both keep you safe and be able to celebrate your most precious moments.


As a company, we have been so astounded by the ways our associates, managers, jewelers, and corporate staff have gone above and beyond to make our customers feel like family. In order to ensure that the risk to our customers and employees is lessened, we have closed all of our store locations. Store managers and employees are still providing incredible service despite. From helping with weddings and proposals being rescheduled or re-planned, to personally delivering ordered or repaired pieces and quarantine supplies, we are proud of all the kindness and care our employees are giving our customers.

"This is Brian, a new and very excited client of REEDS Jewelers. On Friday, Rachel Miller—our Store Manager in Newport News—received a call from him panicking about getting his rings sized. Brian and his fiancée canceled their wedding after the coronavirus outbreak and decided to have a civil ceremony over the weekend. Rachel immediately took on the challenge, met Brian over 45 minutes from the store, and hand-delivered the ring to our jeweler, Vu, who did the work from her home. I think Brian’s smile says it all!"

“Frank received an emergency repair call from a customer the day the REEDS stores and malls were planned to close. This is Jenna after Frank hand-delivered her beautiful Forevermark engagement ring. Don’t tell Kyle she had to try it on! (She loved it!)"

"We joke that if we can make it through all the wedding stress and being quarantined together from the start of our marriage, we can get through anything."

While on her way to deliver medications and essential needs for an elderly customer, store manager Susan, received a call from another guest asking if REEDS was open. The client had put off purchasing a birthday gift for his wife—and the occasion was that very day. Susan made an appointment to meet the guest at the store and assist him in selecting a gift. Thirty minutes later, the guest was on his way and found the perfect gift for his wife! Thank you, Susan, for always being there for our people!


The health and security of our employees is a priority to REEDS Jewelers; we’ve diligently made decisions to protect their income and wellness. It’s our responsibility to make sure this integral part of our family is supported when affected by these unforeseen circumstances, even remembering to celebrate the happy moments in their lives, as well.

Most members of our corporate staff are working from home until further notice. We feel that such a contagious virus would spread quickly through the proximity of our offices, and want to avoid putting our employees at risk. Those who can’t work from home, such as the distribution team, are following all CDC guidelines for preventing exposure, including the six-feet-apart rule and wearing masks. But everyone is keeping our spirits up with pictures of their new favorite co-workers: their fur-babies!

We’ve also established an employee-to-employee fund accessible by anyone who works for REEDS in need of assistance. Our employees take care of one another; we are so proud of their dedication to embracing our founding philosophy and establishing an environment where we are truly a family.

If you have a story to share about your associate’s service during this time, please send us an email, or tag REEDS Jewelers in your post. Use and search the hashtag #feellikefamily to see all the encouraging stories!

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